Tuesday, August 16, 2011

LEAF + Green agenda = massive fail

All we hear about is how Detroit was left failing because they didn't offer fuel efficient cars and how they misjudged the wants and desires of the consumer. We've heard how people would eat up a new fuel efficient car, and that $4.00 per gallon gas was going to ensure that we all embraced mother earth by switching to tiny wind up cars.

The gov't was so sure that these cars were going to be a hit that they strong-armed GM (who they own!) into producing the Volt. They give generous subsidies to purchasers of these vehicles (courtesy you and me of course) - some subsidies amount to $12,000 per vehicle. They hype the fact that we should be green and concious and sustainable and on and on. Even Leo De Caprio drives a Pious. they even give them special roads to travel on!

So the times must be a changing right? Let's look at the figures.

Of the top 10 best selling vehicles in North America, 4 are full size SUVs or trucks, and only 2 can be called fuel efficient. The Leaf and the Volt combined have sold less than 2,000 units per year. The mighty Ford F-150 has sold over 600,000 units in the same time frame. The Smart Car sells about sells about 600 cars per month. Literally, the Ford F-150 does that before lunch time - every day. ( I don't know what is Smart about a car that is dangerous and uncomfortable, but then, I'm not hip.)

So what does the gov't do to force unwanted vehicles on us in order to satisfy their green agenda? They raise the efficiency requirements for vehicles, putting burdensome extra costs on the vehicles you and I want and can afford, and increase the subsidies on the vehicles that the greenie weenies want to buy. Talk about redistribution of wealth!

Even the current Smart Car (for dummies) would not meet the proposed 2015 EPA standards.

We are going to be told what to drive, where to drive, where to live and what to buy courtesy of the gov't. It is going to affect your standard of living, your personal wealth and could even take your life, and it all starts with keeping quiet when you should be shouting out.

The green agenda is based on dilution. When they make a mistake, their answer is to make many more mistakes so the effect of the prior ones is diluted. Population explosion? We were just kidding, look at air pollution? Don't buy that? How about global warming? That didn't pan out? How about global cooling? Climate change? For god's sake will anyone buy what we're selling?

Unless it is a Ford F-150, I ain't buyin' it.

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