Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Which way was north again?

Not that I want to give the President any assistance in winning a second term, and I doubt he is taking my calls anymore, but perhaps I can make a few suggestions. I used to have a friend that couldnt tell left from right or north from south. Whatever direction you asked him about, you would always take the opposite of what he said. I'm sure the Democrats will do the opposite of these recommendations, so we don't have much to worry about.

Here's how Obama can serve the people of America, and by doing so, save our country and potentially get re-elected. Funny how I put these things in that order, as opposed to getting re-elected first.

Simple things they won't do, but here goes.

1. Stop ridiculous spending. Do the line item budget review like you promised in 2008  (I know - promises during elections are not promises, but work with me here)
2. Get rid of ridculous entitlements for welfare, medicare. workfare, bloatfare. You don't contribute in a meaningful way according to your ability, then you don't get rewarded for it.
3. Abolish public sector unions in gov't at the federal, state and municipal levels, or at the very least remove their ability to negotiate salaries, benefits and retirement programs.
Immediately dissolve teacher unions at the state, federal and local levels and abolish requirement of a student to live in a district to attend a school. Good schools grow, bad ones die off, taking the bad teachers with them.
4. Create a flat tax situation of 20% - FOR EVERYBODY. Not just the rich. Tax all benefits.
5. Abolish death and estate taxes. Create an impetus for intergenerational wealth building and investment.
6. Abolish the ability of the gov't to "Invest" in private corporations. Even a constitutional lawyer can see that Solyndra smelled of the faeces it was conceived in. You aren't smarter than us, so don't try - or even pretend.
7. Create a national, OPTIONAL unemployment insurance program. If a worker doesn't want coverage - then they don't pay. Easy. Cap benefits at 120 days. Period. You'll be amazed at how many people can find work all of a sudden. Or create work.
8. Immediately dissolve the EPA and replace it with the Environmental Jobs Creation Agency who will be tasked with first proving that an initiative creates jobs and wealth as a reason to do it, as opposed to a reason NOT to do it. Sorry hoot owls. You pollute, you get fined perhaps out of existence, but the mere potential of pollution does not automatically dissolve a project. Sorry minnows.
9. Reward corporations that create jobs with a lower corporate tax rate. Leave Gibson guitars alone. Protect jobs here, not in Zimbabwe.
10. Zero sum all gov't dept. budgets every year.

This simple 10 step plan makes it fair for everyone, and can get you re-elected.

Now which way was was north again?

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