Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Obama's Failures - I passed out after 61

1/ Fast & Furious
2/ SEAL Team 6
3/ Aid and comfort to the enemy
4/ Stole our 401K Auto Stock and gave it to the Auto unions
5/ Obamacare would save the avg family $2500 per year
6/ Forcing businesses to violate their religious beliefs
7/ Violating the rights and sanctity of our Churches
8/ Obamacare web site-cronyism
9/ NSA acting as Obama Gestapo
10/ 17 Trillion in debt
11/ Lies about Benghazi
12/ Voter fraud
13/ Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during the sequester
14/ Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during govt shutdown
15/ Blocking veterans from seeing their own memorials
16/ Allowing illegals on mall during govt shutdown
17/ Shutting down ‘The Peoples House’ tours
18/ We can keep our insurance if we like it
19/ We can keep our doctors if we like them
20/ Military not getting their votes counted
21/ Supporting the Muslims
22/ Brotherhood with arms and money
23/ DOJ spying on the free press
24/ Not securing our borders
25/ Spying on Americans on American soil with drones
26/ Solyndra Scandal
27/ Picking winners and losers
28/ IRS targeting conservatives
29/ IRS targeting the Tea Party
30/ Millions losing health care coverage
31/ Increasing welfare rolls
32/ Increasing disability rolls
33/ Countless party’s
34/ Countless exorbitant vacations
35/ Releasing illegal’s from prison that were convicted criminals
36/ Unconstitutional recess appointment
37/ NO budget for 5 years
38/ Destroying the coal industry
39/ Clapper lying to congress
40/ Holder lying to congress
41/ Failing to prosecute the New Black Panther
42/ Reading our e-mail
43/ War on women
44/ Promoting race war
45/ War between makers and takers
46/ A123 Systems Scandal
47/ Cash for clunkers failure
48/ Debasing the U.S. Currency through inflationary "Quantitave Easing"
49/ Common Core
50/ Trayvon Martin
51/ Infanticide supporter
52/ Abortion supporter
53/ Bowe Bergdahl debacle
54/ Five KNOWN terrorists released for one US soldier Without congressional approval
55/ Raising the debt limit doesn't rise our debt
56/ Signing the Monsanto Protection Act
57/ Using false identities such as Barry Soetoro
58/ Not providing a proper birth certificate when asked for by the people
59/ The VA Scandle
60/ Opened Mexican Border
61/ Using Air Force one to fund raise

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