Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ka-ching! Celebrity Dead Pool Hits Gold!

Well - another one bites the dust. Or snorts it. I picked this one right on, and while it may seem macabre, these dead pool things can be a lot of fun. Watch out Betty White!

Seriously - I do worry that when these types of things happen that a lot of people see that lifestyle as glamorous and it gets in their head that they died a pure, clean death, like Marilyn Monroe. It is unfortunate that a young person like Winehouse does this to herself, but as usual it is the enablers in their life that actually are the ones that tighten the noose.

By my calculation 3 coalition soldiers will die in Iraq and Afghanistan over the next week. They won't even get a mention in the news, fighting for their lives as opposed to throwing them away. It's a pretty sad state of affairs.

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