Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Smoke and Mirrors Obama Style

For the life of me I fail to understand in what universe a country of 320 million that signs up 7 million ( 0.0218% ) of its citizenry into a program is called a "Success" Even if each one enrolled represents a family of 4 that's still only 28 million or 0.0875% of the population.

It seems as if the 99% argument has done a 180. Where does the $$ to provide 'subsidies' come from?

If they're getting it from premiums then that means less money goes to actual care, if they're getting it from general taxation then it means that not only those that receive subsidies are offsetting their subsidies, but those who are fortunate to have their own coverage get to pay even more!

Even Ponzi couldn't outdo this scheme?

Smoke and Mirrors Obama Style

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