Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Democrats Burn Cities Down

It's Pretty Simple.

Decades of Democratic victim-based politics and policies is why so many American cities are in imploding.


Because they think they are better and smarter than us and they are going to prove it.

Having no trust in the average citizen, liberal politicians feel it is their duty to micromanage people's lives. From the size of your drinks to what, literally, you are allowed to say and think.

Cities such as Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles and New York didn't just suddenly get invaded by the poverty aliens and mysteriously decline into 3rd world status. Did I mention Detroit?

In New York, once again under the boot of the liberal menace, the Democratic city council is proposing decriminalizing "minor" offenses, like pissing in public, drinking in public, littering, riding a bike on the sidewalk, being in a park after dark and making excessive noise.

All these activities make a neighborhood unsafe and unlivable. They may seem minor, but they speak directly to the quality of life. The truth is pandering to the creeps and losers in society condemns the law-abiding in those neighborhoods to a disgustingly lower quality of life. All in the name of improving the quality of life for "people of color".

No matter what your color or religion, NOBODY wants to step over a puddle of piss while avoiding a biker on the sidewalk after you've had no sleep because the police won't come for the drunk asshole beating his wife and screaming all night long, only to be hit in the face by another douche throwing his to-go coffee cup outside his car.

This is the madness - and pain - created by liberals.

Crime goes up, good people move away, buildings become derelict, tax revenues decrease, crime increases, cities devolve. Combine that with the usual liberal economic double ball punch of regulations and taxes that run-off entrepreneurs, destroy small businesses and jobs, and you have the typical American city run into the ground by your friendly neighborhood I-feel-your-pain, hope-and-change, can I offer you a free phone Democrat.

So the next time you see a city on fire ask your yourself why. Ask yourself who was in charge of the city. The police force. The unions. The teachers. The media. I think the answer is always the same.

And you know it.

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