Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Marie Harf - Too Smart for the Rest of Us...


Marie Harf, noted genius in the Obama administration who has a job as a "spokesperson" for the State Department recently said that we "can't win the war on terrorism by killing them" and that "we need to find them jobs". Now, we already know that the Obama administration's tactics for protecting us from terrorists involves guitars around campfires, and when the shit really hits the fan they roll out James Taylor - but I digress.

She is a spokesman. That means she speaks. What she has been told to speak. By the administration.

It isn't Marie Harf that is "saying" that only good jobs can defeat ISIS - IT IS THE ADMINISTRATION. The same one that can't get jobs for Americans now says that their strategy to defeat ISIS is to give them good jobs.

In essence - what they are saying is that if Osama Bin Laden had been given the opportunity to build a fruit stand, he would have avoided being a terrorist altogether.

The first goal of the US government is to protect us the people. In order to do that they have to create tactics that ensure that current threats are eliminated, and that new threats are anticipated. They have a variety of methods at their disposal to perform such tasks - BUT - the primary driver is to meet the current threat profile and defeat it.

I've seen the videos. You've seen the videos. These cavemen are not going to be dissuaded from their activities with the promise of a job as assistant floor manager in the shoe department at Macy's. To think otherwise - AS THE ADMINISTRATION DOES - puts all of our lives in immediate danger.

That's probably a "nuance" that Marie Harf doesn't understand. Unless of course she personally wants to go over there to offer them a position as intern in the State Department....

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