Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to defeat Obama - Part II of II

Note to Newt - if you fall into the trap that has been set by the "ad hominem" crowd - you won't be able to go up against the facade of personal charm that the Media has built for Mr. Obama. You need to say exactly these things:

Mr. President, the people that you assosciate with are bad people. People such as Frank Marshall, Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright have earned no right to influence any President.It is too late to distance yourself from them - you should have seen what influences they would have on anyone's character and run away at the time. It is too late now, and your association with these people speak volumes about your character as a man, as a human being, and as an American. Shame on you, and shame on us for letting the media and the Democratic party believe that form mattered more than substance.

Sir I can speak for 20 minutes without a teleprompter about what I believe in - you cannot. I therefore infer that what you say is not what you believe, but rather what you want us to hear, and that your words are intended to mislead. You will not be given any more chances to mislead us.

You haven't done anyting prior to becoming President that indicates you should have been given the most important job in the world, and your record as President is both shameful and embarrasing. We, as Americans, pledge to do better.

You have apoligized for this country - the greatest and most benevolent country that has every existed, and you have shamed those of us that believe in the greatness of America.You have made us weaker in the eyes of those around the world that seek to do us harm, and you have almost certainly guaranteed that our children will have to again take up arms to defend us from external agression. People have fought and died to deliver the benefits that you apologize for, and Sir, almost any citizen in any other country of the world would walk across a desert barefoot to be here. Any many do. Please stop disrespecting all of us.

Your economic policies, delivered during a time of world-wide financial crisis have been based on buying votes and rewarding your political cronies at Solyndra and Big Unions and others. You have abandoned us for your own ego needs when we needed you most. You have made our lives tougher, more dangerous, more difficult and less enjoyable, while you take two jumbo jets to go on vacation 100 miles from your house. You should be ashamed of yourself. Actually, don't worry about it - we will all feel the shame collectively for you.

Sir - I am making these arguments against your record, against your experience, and yes, against your character and your ethics. I believe now, as I believed 5 years ago that you are wrong for this country and you do not have what it takes to be President. We have all been proven right. Not because you are African American - but because your character and experience are weak.
Sir, with no due respect you are not worthy of our votes, and you will not fool us again. 

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