Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Coming this Fall to a Protest Near You! American Spring!

I heard something the other day that I wished I could ask to one of the disheveled misguided protesters that are clogging up the streets with their rants about how they are the "99%". I bet these uber-geniuses would be shocked to learn that the 80% of us who actually work for a living actually detest both their antics, and their message(s) and that the only "1%" in the room - is them. Nobody is buyin' what you are sellin'. Heck, we can't even figure out what it is that you want. We're pretty sure you can't either. Anyhoo - not to get off on a rant here but......

The question these pinheads need asked of them is "Do you think it is morally right to PUNISH someone who has done nothing WRONG?" The answer they (and most all of us would give) is "of course it isn't morally right to punish someone who has done nothing wrong - that would be evil!!!!!"

Then ask the question a different way and get their reaction -

"Is it then morally right to REWARD someone who has done nothing RIGHT?"

Gut check - what is your reaction then? If you buy the first argument, by definition (unless you are insane) you have to accept the other argument. Puts a different perspective on it doesn't it? If you want to treat people fairly you have to BOTH reward and PUNISH. This goes for relationships, corporations, and yes, countries too.

All I hear from .01%'ers is "Where is my reward?" "Where is my fair share?"

Well buddy, looks like you are getting your fair share. And you can't handle it.

Courtesy of the rest of us.

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