Friday, August 12, 2011

Joe Biden's Ego Kills Again...

I'm kind of sensitive to horrific stories on the news - and the worst one lately has been the shoot down of the SEAL Team 6 helicopter in Afcrapistan. The SEALS were formed by Kennedy in the 60's to act as a rapid reaction force that could be used quickly in any situation, and these guys have performed things over the years that we will probably never know about.

Unless a fool like Joe Biden outs them.

If you were paying attention after the Bin Laden lead poisoning incident, any question of what unit was involved was firmly declined by the military. "We don't talk about units, or members", said one spokesman.

But not Joe Biden - at a dinner a few days after Bin Laden took the big swim, he publicly commends SEAL TEAM 6 for their outstanding work! His own need to polish his pathetic, hair-plugged ego, by associating himself with their work, and positioning himself as one of those hip "in the know" politicians exposed the small team that did the world a favor, and put all their lives, and their families lives, at risk.

Thanks Joe - the only man in America that makes Bush look like Hawking.

This from that same raging dolt that exposed the whereabouts of the security room under the Naval Observatory - the one he is supposed to hide in when Armageddon comes! Not too bright Joe, not too bright. Millions wasted on his security, which promptly has to be boarded up. Then last week it comes out that Brainless Joe Jackson is actually charging the Security detail that protects him RENT while they are on his property. Thanks Joe. Really, thanks for everything.

Where am I going with this?

If you were a vengeful Taliban operative in Afghanistan, you would know (courtesy of your friend in Washington Joe Biden) that SEAL Team  6 offed the Binster. You would also know that SEAL Team 6 is a rapid reaction force.You would know that they would be called out if you say, pinned down a Ranger unit. And you would know that they would try to infiltrate or exfiltrate by chopper. And thanks to Hair Club for Men Joe, you know that they would keep coming if their friends were in trouble.

And you would know that one well placed RPG round at the right time would bring down a chopper, and that a SEAL team would probably be on that Chinook. The Taliban are cowards that hit and run. But in this case, they kept the American unit pinned down for hours, and didn't run off. Why? Cause they knew that heroes would be coming. Courtesy of Joe Biden.

Thanks Joe, really - thanks very much.

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